The new Net-Billing program is coming to replace Net-metering

The new Net-Billing program enables the self-producer to install a Photovoltaic System so as to consume the energy produced by the system in real time but also to forward the surplus energy produced to the Network at a fee.

Net-Billing, is practically the offsetting of purchase and sale of energy bills. The produced energy is separated from the energy consumed in real time by the user, the excess energy is forwarded to the network at a retail price.

What are the differences between Net-metering and Net-billing?

• The main difference is that while net-metering offsets kilowatt-hours, net-billing offsets electricity bills.

• Second important difference is that in net-billing only the percentage of the produced energy consumed by the self-producer is compensated in real time, while the energy compensation in net-metering concerns all of the energy produced by the photovoltaic system.

• Another key difference between the two programs: In net-metering, the energy produced that is not consumed by the self-producer in real time is injected into the network where it is "stored" for a period of up to three years. At the end of this 3-year period, a liquidation takes place and any excess energy for the consumer is not compensated. On the contrary, in net-billing all excess energy is injected into the grid and compensated.

• In net-metering there was a maximum power limit of 10 kWp per supply for the residential sector and 100 kWp per supply for businesses, while in net-billing there is no limit for businesses

• Virtual net-metering was not allowed for businesses. On the contrary, the virtual net-billing (virtual simultaneous offsetting) will be able to be done by a single company or through an Energy Community.

Net-Billing is important for businesses

Net-Billing program that is expected soon to replace Net-metering as there will be no power cap for businesses

The previous restriction on the sale of a maximum of 20% of the annually produced energy for self-producers with RES is lifted.

A company can do virtual net-billing, either alone or by participating in an Energy Community. In the case of virtual net-billing, generating stations can be located in any Region.

Co- Self-consumption

At least two (2) self-consumers located in the same building may jointly participate in activities and regulate the sharing of the energy produced by their PV stations among themselves, subject to the network fees as applied and other related charges, fees, contributions and taxes. In the energy offset, under the scheme of collective self-consumption, consumptions of common users in buildings can also be included.

Photovoltaic plant power up to one hundred percent (100%) of the sum of the agreed power of all the consumptions to be offset, with a maximum limit of ten (10) kilowatts (kW) per household consumption supply and one hundred (100) kilowatts (kW) per supply of commercial consumption.

The photovoltaic plants are electrically connected with a dedicated interconnection line to the building where the self-consumers' consumption facilities are located and are connected to the Grid through the supply of the building or apartment building.


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